Kyoto Work

Monday, February 07, 2005

Interactive Web Publishing Goals

When looking at what the Interactive Web Publishing class can help me achieve this semester, I have set up three different sets of goals. The first is my short term goal, which is to be able to present to my friends and family back home my experiences in an easy-to-use format that will give them access to not only my thoughts on my trip, but also the media that I am gathering while here. My second goal, which is for the longer term is to establish a page that would be a community for W&M students studying abroad that could serve as a tool not only for those who are abroad, but for those who wish to study abroad in the future who are looking for programs in specific countries and interest areas. If I could make this page easy enough to manage, I could present it in the fall of 2005 to the Reves Center as a permanent tool for the study abroad program. In the longest term part of my goal, I would like to set up a network of professors, graduate students, and undergraduate students interested in the transition between modern fiction and postmodern fiction, specifically looking at the difference in the way that authors address their audiences and the psychological implications and repercussions of the change. I am searching for a good reading list of important books written in this period, meaningful scholarly articles on the topic, and background articles which to draw from, such as Freud’s words on Creative Writing and Daydreams. The information I compile will assist me in writing my honors thesis during my senior year at William and Mary.


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